
Our hyperbaric oxygen therapy specialists combine proven standards in wound management with state-of-the-art technology to ensure effective, 甚至挽救生命, 结果.



Experts at UCLA 高比重药物 specialize in hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), 它能恢复受伤组织的氧气流. We use this therapy to help your body heal and fight infection. Our specialists work with you to develop a personalized and comprehensive treatment plan, 这样你就可以回去做你喜欢的事情了.


安全是重中之重: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,你的健康高于一切. Our doctors assess patients before and after each treatment. A hyperbaric medicine nurse or technician remains in the hyperbaric chamber with you during treatment sessions. In case of emergency, a special safety lock allows staff and patients to enter and exit the chamber.

个性化和细心的照顾: Each person has a unique response to hyperbaric oxygen therapy. We take the time to carefully evaluate you and develop an individualized treatment plan that will maximize the therapy’s success. We follow guidelines created by research and supported by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society to determine your optimal number of therapy sessions.

专业知识: 你是否有一个小的无法愈合的伤口, compromised surgical wound or delayed injury from radiation therapy, 我们的团队可以提供帮助. We have expertise in every diagnosis that hyperbaric oxygen therapy can treat.

协作护理: You may receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy in addition to other treatments such as antibiotics, 手术或营养支持. We communicate with your entire care team and primary care physician. Coordination throughout treatment helps us achieve the best possible 结果 and ensure that all treatments work well together.


HBOT delivers intermittent (on and off) oxygen to your body. Oxygen enhances your body’s healing process and helps it fight infection.

在治疗期间, you breathe high doses of oxygen inside a special hyperbaric chamber (a room that looks like a large tunnel). We give you clothes made of 100% cotton to wear inside the chamber because other materials pose a safety risk.

You receive oxygen through a mask or a large, clear helmet placed over your head. Increased atmospheric pressure in the chamber means oxygen rapidly dissolves in your bloodstream. This process allows your blood and tissues to absorb and hold on to more oxygen.


你在我们的多空间高压氧舱接受HBOT, 这是南皇冠hga025同类建筑中最大的. The extra room helps people with claustrophobia better tolerate treatment and allows you to comfortably sit or lie down. 您可以单独或与他人一起接受HBOT. A member of our team also stays with you inside the chamber for safety.

Compared to a single-person (monoplace) chamber, our multiplace chamber fits up to 18 people. This space also allows us to treat a wider array of conditions and more people at once during critical emergencies, such as a group of firefighters with carbon monoxide poisoning.


我们的专家团队 treats all conditions that may benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy, including:

  • Acute traumatic blood loss, crushing injuries or thermal burns
  • 骨骼和皮肤感染
  • 一氧化碳中毒
  • 受损的皮肤移植和皮瓣
  • 减压病
  • 放射治疗损伤
  • 难以愈合的小而复杂的伤口
  • 由糖尿病并发症引起的伤口


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校高压氧医学, our team works with you daily to make sure your body experiences the long-term effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 大多数治疗计划至少包括20个疗程. 每次HBOT会话通常持续两个小时. 我们还在紧急情况下提供护理.


有时, radiation for cancer treatment can damage healthy tissue months or even years after therapy. These injuries have difficulty healing due to a lack of blood supply to the damaged tissue. Studies have shown that the number of blood vessels in tissue treated with radiation may be just 30% of healthy tissue.

We offer HBOT to improve blood supply to areas damaged by radiation and promote blood vessel growth, reducing your risk of infection or complications after surgery. 对很多人来说, the large extent of new blood vessel growth after HBOT can make it seem as if the affected areas were never exposed to radiation.


我们的团队与血管外科医生密切合作, podiatrists (foot doctors) and infectious disease specialists to treat diabetic foot and leg wounds. 这些伤口是由神经损伤和血流不畅造成的. Hyperbaric therapy can prevent the need for amputation or help heal amputation sites.


SCUBA divers who breathe compressed air or mixed gasses underwater can experience decompression sickness (“the bends”) if they ascend too rapidly to the surface. 在这种情况下, nitrogen bubbles develop in the body and cause severe symptoms, 比如疼痛, 恶心或麻痹. We offer intensive HBOT sessions combined with breathing support and medical management of blood pressure.


Our experienced team includes skilled physicians, nurses and hyperbaric technicians. We use specialized knowledge and advanced technology to provide you with customized treatment. Our expert doctors directly supervise every hyperbaric oxygen session, including emergency care.


呼叫 310-794-1031 to request an appointment with our hyperbaric medicine team at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


每日高压氧治疗可以帮助治愈你的身体. To learn more about our hyperbaric medicine services, call 310-794-1031.